went to bukit panjang wit >hamster< =P si short leg make me walk under sun so long!!!i very dark liao ltr i become my *friends* how!!! walk around panjang... here walk walk there walk which idoit built so many playground!!! lucky i mature nv play >.< and i found that bloody playground that make me lost my front tooth last time @%^%$@#$%^!!! and nw, i am goin to tell u all a story abt a hamster going 7-11 buy water
auntie?(quite young call jie jie abit wierd so bo bian cor auntie! X)) damn funny cn~
hamster: * taking our slurpee cup *
auntie : *from behind us* NEED HELP?!?!?!?
me and hamster xia dao i scared untill i pee on my pants! (the pee on pants part joke nia =X)
hamster: nid...(she cfm regret le!!)
auntie:*walk away* okay...
so that act smart hamster =X ownself do. guess wad...POK!!! thn the cap loosen =.= lousy right! ppl help dunwan thn act smart!!! snoopy! thn the auntie come help thn bring to counter...
auntie: see la! i wan help u do u dunwan...(keep reapeating to herself)
moral of the story hamsters are stupid! i mean stupid jiu hao dun act stupid-er!!! wonder why i wasnt in the story? i was busy laughing!!! =X
thn after that go dk wad shopping mall walk walk thn take bus go jp thn go jp library thn frm there walk to pagoda!!!! thks to that short leg hamster >again< mus walk very long!!! but i choose wrg way >.< choose dao the long way =X reach le dwn there slack... thn jiu go home le...btw i only took 20min to walk home neh! chiayong nxt time cn challenege le!! ~.~ we very eco-friendly dee we walk instead of using transport =D!!