I rock U SUCK lolipop =D 小小孩子 大大脑袋! X.x Haneh Haseh Yo! >.o

Friday, June 12, 2009

Yesterday went to the tchoukball court offical course...actually the instructor say wat also cnt listen in lol bo bian too many joker in one table liao of couse i am one of them =X wah if fail = $30 fly!!!(lucky pay by edusave lolz =D) wah but at least gt one whistle mr tan say very exp one lolz at least gt sth frm the course if nt $ wasted ! mus have aunties' spirt! muhahahaha!

can u imgaine a whistle cn cost u $9-$12 piang if nt FOC one cfm i ownself wont buy de lolz

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

y0nGcHiien cooking lesson! FOC =D prawn noodles FLAVOUR maggie mee

jus finish eaten my supper lol actually dinner lolz but nw dinner like abit funni and damn easy to cook and berry nice ( fei hua! homec *A1* student cook de sia =X) and it only take u 6 simple steps

Step 1:

choose the flavour u want to eat..prawn noodle is a gd choice lol

Step 2:

take it out...


unload the seasoning

Step 4:

cook the noodle!

Step 5 :

open everyting and put the noodles in =D opps there's one mre step....cant miss it...

Step 6 (mst important) : EAT THE NOODLES argh! isnt it easy!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Nth to do lol any suggestion? if there is plus call in nw and prizes to be given to frist 50 callers!(joke ah joke....) btw anyone goin the CIP on 17th july? if nt come support me nw by breaking ur piggys bank and bring them to sch on 17th july =X and of course limited edition stickers will be given out to first donor cause rest of stickers for recycling lol 大家为环保努力!保护环境!保护地球!!!

anw jus a random question: dont u guyz tinks tis holiday abit bored or like sth missing ?? ZzozZ tired neh! is like nv go sch = rott @ home lol if agree raise up ur hands so i cn count (straight ah! if nt cnt see!) if nt call in lol nw and be one of the lucky winner as prize will be given (same as above) =D
1st prize : Mystery Gift (神秘 neh!)
2nd prize : donate me $50 thn i consider wan say anot!
3rd prize : same as 2nd prize muhahahahah! ( sure earn de la!)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

N1 sia tis two day ChU keep showing tis kinda movie see untill my eye gt star liao *.* lolz!!!
i like the elephant one cause the thai boxing king the skill gam phua zai somemore the trailer gt say he do all the stun by him no stun man needed o.O i believe! cheh...

both me and auntie kuan borrowed ankle weight frm auntie teng cause we wan to increase our 弹跳力 hehe! hope cn c result aft training wif it if nt...i will cook it and eat it jkjk joke nia...